USE – See how to enlarge EASILY a lemon Tree from a single seed in your home… [video]

Some citrus fruit is much easier to grow than others…
Fortunately, two of the best citrus is really fairly easy to grow inside the house. Not only do they add color and a wonderful fresh scent in your home, you will also have the advantage to know how these fruit developed 100% organic!
So, what are the two fruits that I say?
1. Lemons
How to grow:
If you are interested to grow your own lemon tree, I suggest you buy a small sapling (about two or three years old) for best results. Plant your tree in a pot, with some rocks in the container for drainage to improve the flow of air. Some soils have been created especially for the cultivation of citrus fruits and is a worthwhile investment if you can find them.
Give it plenty of sunlight (8-10 hours a day), and water often enough, but not too much. In about 6-9 months, the lemons will be ready!
Alternatively, you could also grow a lemon tree from a seed. This process takes obviously longer, but it’s worth it.
See here what you’ll need:
Organic seedling lemon tree
Soil of good quality
A flower pot with the correct dimensions
A beautiful spot with the sun in your home, or a lamp
To grow a lemon tree from seed you will need:
Moisten the soil until it is moist – but not soaked – all the way down. Fill your pot with soil about 2.5 cm before the rim. Cut a lemon and remove the seeds. While the seed is still wet, then plant it to a depth of about 1.5 cm in the center of the pot. Spray the soil with a little water. Cover the pot with cling film. Open a few holes on top for air. Put the pot in a spot with sun. Continue to spray the pot with water so they don’t dry out.
Be careful not to overdo it. In a couple of weeks should receive the first bough. At this point remove the membrane. Make sure that it gets enough light. Be sure not to get sick from the parasites. When the plant grows big enough, change the pot, on a great. Larger plants don’t need as much water as the smaller ones.
See the video below with techniques to raise the seed:

2. ΜανταρίνιαΤα mandarins are absolutely delicious. It is full of antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, and many other good things!
How to grow:
The method is not very different from that for the lemon tree. However, it is more difficult to grow from seed, so we recommend that you buy a sapling.
They want plenty of sun and transplanting when grown up enough.
Now that you know how to grow up, don’t wait… Start!

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