Uproar in Turkey: they didn’t give accreditation to a journalist because…

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten announced today…
how Turkey refused to give accreditation to the new correspondent in Istanbul, a decision that was not supported, but the paper attaches to the kurdish origin of the fiancé of journalist.
“We have correspondents in countries such as Russia and China and work there without major problems, while here they deny us the right to live in Turkey, a country-member of NATO”, complained the editor-in-chief of Aftenposten Espen Έγκιλ Hansen in the columns of the newspaper.
The ambassador of Turkey in Oslo was not available for comment at the French Agency. The second-in-command of the embassy, the Ουλκού Κοτζάεφε, said, according to Aftenposten, that “each case is considered on its own criteria” and that “the Turkish authorities have not expressed the reasons why someone does not receive accreditation Type”.
Always according to the newspaper, the refusal seems to be tied to the origin of the fiancé of journalist Σίλιε Καμπεσέτερ which was installed with her in Istanbul when it opened an office in September. The fiance of journalist she has German nationality but his parents were gone from the kurdish areas of Turkey to Germany in the 1970s.
The correspondent moved then in Amman, Jordan.
The head of Norwegian diplomacy, Μπέργκε Μπρέντε said, according to Aftenposten, he expressed to the Turkish counterpart of the “disappointment”.
In power since 2003, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on the authority of a prime minister and then president , is the subject for criticism of the authoritarian way of derogation from the country.
Non-governmental organisations for the protection of the freedom of the Press often accuse the Turkish government for more and greater pressures in the MEDIA and that he wants to silence any critical voice.
In the world ranking of freedom of the Press for the 2015 Reporters without Borders (RSF), Turkey is ranked in the 149th place among 180 countries, behind Afghanistan and Zimbabwe.