Update – Presentation Of First Aid

The Association of Runners for Health of Patras-in cooperation with the… Body of Volunteers Samaritans, Rescuers and Lifeguards of the Greek Red Cross organized a workshop of Information – Presentation of First Aid, to emphasize the importance of First Aid in emergency situations, but in everyday life, where the timely and proper intervention can prevent a disability or save a life.
First aid is the immediate assistance provided to the victim of an accident or in someone who is afflicted suddenly by a bystander, guy, eyewitness of the event. The necessity and usefulness of providing it it seems from studies, in which 45% of deaths from accidents and 25% of disability could have been avoided , if they were given the right first-aid kit, in good time, in the place of the event.
FREE Update – Presentation of First Aid from the Samaritans Volunteer, Rescuers and Lifeguards of the Greek Red Cross, in the Press Room of the Παμπελοποννησιακού National Stadium of Patras, on December 19, 2015, 18:00-21:00
Organization: Association of Runners for Health of Patras & Samaritans Volunteer, Rescuers and Lifeguards of the Greek Red Cross

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