United Journalists ESHEA: “THE lord Spirtzis not offshore…”

We would like to inform the Greek people that mr. Spirtzis not offshore , as we are informed the…
same a few hours ago with a cease and desist letter, after question put by my colleague and a founding member of our group, Nick Καρούτζος in a comment on twitter.
It seems that the government is in full swing plan to manipulate not only the MEDIA but the social media!!! If the intention of mr. minister, is to intimidate journalists, ” we answer, that even during the years of the dictatorship found a way, “with the davul and the zurna to the μεθύσουνε the sun…” .So you found and now, despite all the rabid reactions, a way to express freely our thoughts, to uncover the journalistic pen us any wrongs and, above all, to ask questions, waiting for truthful answers and not illusions!
Laugh the sun and αμολιέται in the narrow… good Morning, sir Σπίρτζη good morning!

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