“Two primary politicians married with an arranged marriage”

You want to climb…
the steps of the church, but have not found (yet) the “other half” and be embarrassed to ask someone for help than 580 marriage agencies operating in Greece?
Don’t be shy! You are not alone as this make longer, as revealed by Catherine Louis, owner, the oldest of the cabinet, who has been three times in the Guinness Book of world records, shipowners, industrialists, politicians etc!
As she herself says in “Espresso”, has brought “into matrimony” of two well-known Greek politicians! “We’re talking about big names! Imagine a political. How will be exposed to this man? They educated girls from a good home and all the wiser” reveals, without of course giving any names.
Apart from industrialists, shipowners and entrepreneurs, who are registered on waiting lists for a suitable mate, the most classic cases… above suspicion is doctors, lawyers, teachers and university professors. “These people are big names. Everyone in the field has created his own legend. I have an archaeologist who is universally recognizable, a doctor from the mayo clinic, which is the first hand in the cardio, while you have come and models”.
The reasonable question why all the rich and famous go to marriage agency and find their own husband responds: “For them it’s hard to find something similar, not in terms of the economic, but in the overall package. It is a matter of choice. A girl who has a master’s degree, it’s nice and small will get anyone? But the man who belongs to it, where will you find him? On the street? As they have become things, it’s hard to do meet you and your good… For someone to come today, because they find me, go to say that it is determined. In addition, from the first date the relationship is clear. I’m the one, I’m thinking about this, I want the other. Or he sits or leaves”.
Many people are also searching shoe from the place them even if it’s just patched up: Greeks living and working in Europe, America and Australia, diplomatic and military following, employees in the Parliament in Brussels, people with important positions, where it is, however, very alone.
“What do we the Greeks we cannot escape from our culture. We have other considerations. We want our man to have the same. What you want is to find spouses with the same values, same religion, same reasoning for the family and care. We can’t do without our family. The office is working with countries where there is a Greek element and I can control a situation. I don’t write, for example, people from eastern bloc. Recently a professor, an economist from the island of Crete, 56 years old, was found with a 50-year-old from Germany, which has its own restaurants. Found the solution for all, because they matched. Today with Skype and Viber there are no distances,” says mrs. Louis.