Tsipras: The weight for the implementation of the agreement on the refugee’s right in front of us

Refugee and assessment were the focus of the meeting of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA…
Alexis Tsipras referred to the recent agreement for the refugees, noting that the treatment of the refugee as a common european problem, the solution of which is based on cooperation with Turkey and not to the de facto legalization of unilateral practices, is a positive development.
However, the fact that the whole weight of the application is in front of us, makes it necessary to activate all the forces in order to be able to deliver both in what the agreement specifies, as to what dictates the international legitimacy.
For the negotiation,mr. Tsipras said that it is in the interest of all sides for the immediate completion of the evaluation.
He reason for the existence of a common ground in the negotiation between the Greek side and the european side, as well as the determination of the government for protection of low-and middle-income. In this context, the president of SYRIZA underlined that requirements such as those for cuts in main pensions do not derive from the agreement of the summer and will not be accepted. The Greek side will implement the agreement, nothing less, and nothing more. Those who wish more, you need to know that their desire is outside the framework of the agreement.

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