Tower: Snake makes… break in hibernation!

Without a doubt, the picture is not quite out of the ordinary since the snakes used during the (heavy) Winter to hibernate…
However, it seems that the weather conditions yesterday afternoon, the Tower (p.p. the thermometer got above 17 degrees Celsius), was the cause of that snake in the picture (p.p. probably σαπίτης), made a… break in his sleep, and he said to come out from the fence of St. Haralambos!
The sight is not left uncovered photo if that’s what caused the surprise of the animal that ξανακρύφτηκε in the shelter of the…
On the occasion of a particular occurrence should be stressed that fear of snakes in Greece, are unjust. The snakes in Greece, it’s NOT all poisonous, only certain εχιδνοειδή. More in danger from lightning and from a car accident, than from snakes. On the contrary, the existence of reptiles is an ecological necessity, useful for the ecological balance, since reptiles eat harmful rodents and insects…

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