TOUCHING: the Last battle on the Rio before IT… [video]

Sport hurts, but nothing compares to the pain that it leaves in the body of the 37χρονης And Βερβόορτ an incurable degenerative disease…
– The παραολυμπιονίκης will fight for one last time in Rio, will claim yet another gold, and then maybe give an end to her life.
Every time he fights in the tartan, the Μερίκε Βερβόορτ turn its back on the disease: the one who has deprived the movement of her legs. But she uses her hands. Tighten the γραμμωμένα arms to turn the wheels, mineralise the abs to gain momentum and he’s the backbone of rhythm to increase her speed. However, when you finish the race or workout and down from a specially designed racing wheelchair, the “game” wins the life. Now her body is that of turning its back – the pain is not bearable. By the time he returned to the cart because “it’s where all the worries disappear”. And if you have to terminate the career of the sport?
“Sport is the only thing that keeps me going in life,” said the 37χρονη champion from Belgium, and he means it. “I’m starting to think about euthanasia,” he said. Of course I won’t give up that life, without to throw one last slap in the face to the illness. He wants another gold medal in the largest international athletics competition held every four years. “Rio is my last desire. I’ve been practicing hard, even if at the same time, day and night, καταπολεμάω my illness. I hope to finish my career on a podium in Rio,” said the radio station RTL.
The Βερβόορτ acquired the first gold medal in the sprint of 100 m. the Paralympic Games in London, 2012. The same matches he was rewarded with the silver in the race of 200 metres. Then, in 2015, he won three world titles in the 100, 200 and 400 meters. “Everybody’s happy when I hold the gold medal. I don’t know, but, the dark side. There are times that I suffer incredibly, nights that I only sleep ten minutes, but nevertheless chasing after the gold”, has stated in another interview in France 2.

The best kiss of loyalty (Facebook/Marieke Vervoort)
The incurable degenerative disease that causes paralysis in the legs of the “hit” when he was 20 years old. But, “despite my illness, I have managed to live moments that others never even dreamt of”, says the same. And as you admit any champion, ambitious to the core, the Βερβόορτ happy that the games in September will face a lot of good athletes in the sprints. As more tough competition, so much the better.
“I hope to make it to Rio because I can see that the physical features get worse,” said from the side of one of the coaches of the RTL. Never mind, the Βερβόορτ is not intimidated by such remarks. The corresponding predictions for the decline of the capabilities of did and 2013 the doctors, when have overseen a serious injury suffered by the champion in international competitions in Lyon. And yet, the same was returned once again from hell. But if you don’t have somewhere to return -i.e. the track – then in danger to remain in hell.
In Belgium, from where he comes, euthanasia is legal. All that is needed is the consent of three doctors. Of course, the athlete has already all the necessary documents ready. And so can fight free and fight tooth and nail for the last dream. “At my funeral I do not wish any church. No coffee or dessert. I want you all to keep from a glass of champagne in hand and have in mind a thought for me”.
Y.C. The Paralympic Games will be held from 7 to 18 September 2016.
