Torture of prisoners after the coup denounces Amnesty International

The international organisation for the defence of human rights Amnesty International announced on Sunday that it has collected reliable data” for cases…
torture of prisoners in detention centres in Turkey, after the failed coup attempt of July 15.
“Amnesty International has credible information according to which the Turkish police in Ankara and Istanbul keeps people in painful positions for periods of time which can reach, and in 48 hours,” reports the non-governmental organization, in communication, in which he denounces deprivation of food and water , as well as medicines, abuse and threats and in the most serious cases of beatings, torture and rape against prisoners.
“The information about beatings and rapes in detention are extremely worrying, particularly given the large number of detainees” after the coup attempt, says the director of Amnesty International for Europe, John Νταλχούιζεν.
The organization complains that some of the prisoners do not have access to a lawyer nor can they communicate with their families and are not sufficiently informed about the categories that concern them.
Two lawyers of Ankara have reported to Amnesty International that army officers have been “raped with γκλομπς” by the police.
Amnesty International calls on the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture to visit “urgently” Turkey “to supervise the conditions of detention”.
The complaints of the organization were dashed by a high-ranking Turkish official. “The idea according to which Turkey, a country that seeks to join the European Union, does not respect the law is absurd (…),” he said.
“We categorically deny these allegations and we encourage organisations for the defence of human rights to give objective reports,” added the official.
According to the prime minister Μπιναλί Yıldırım, more than 13,000 people were placed under arrest after the events of 15 and 16 July, and more than 5,800 have been detained, among them 3.718 soldiers and 123 generals.

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