To the extreme the opposition Turkey and Israel: “May Netanyahu suffer” – “Silence and shame you”

To the extreme is the struggle – the war in the Gaza Strip. The new episode was caused by a repulsive speech by Turkey’s president, who neither less nor much wished the Prime Minister of Israel would suffer. In his election speech yesterday in Caesarea, Recep Tayyip Erdogan wished for Allah to help Gazans, who are being persecuted in Ramadan’s holy month and referring derogatoryly to the Israeli Prime Minister said: “ We refer the known person called Netanyahu to the Lord who subdues everyone. May our Lord make him suffer. ” Today, Israel’s foreign ministry called on Turkey’s superintendent in Tel Aviv to protest Erdogan’s statements. Moreover, in a sharp post, Israel’s Foreign Minister notes – addressing Turkey’s leadership – that “you who support the murderers and rapists of criminal Hamas are the last to speak of God.” “There is no God who will listen to those who support atrocities and crimes against humanity committed by your barbaric friends of Hamas,” Kats continues and concludes his post saying: “Silence and shame”! Cumhurbaşkanı ‘ın Başbakan Benjamin Netanyahu’ya saldırısıve Netanyahu’yu Allah’a havale etme tehditi üzerine Türkiye’nin İsrail’deki Büyükelçi Yardımcısınının sert bir kınama görüşmesi için çağrılması ve Erdoğan’a netir mesaj iletilmesi talimatı verdim: Bebek yakan,… — Responding to the Israeli minister’s post, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Onju Ketseli says: “Since the first day of the occupation of Palestinian territories, the Israeli authorities have made every effort to cover up the serious crimes they committed against the Palestinians and have tried to create a shield of impunity for themselves. They have targeted President Erdogan for telling the whole truth. However, the crimes Israel committed in Gaza over the last six months can no longer be hidden and Israel is tried for genocide. For the first time in history, the whole world’s public opinion is eagerly awaiting the day the Israeli officials committed these crimes will be brought to justice. Turkey will continue to tell the truth and keep on the world agenda the indescribable persecution against the Palestinian people.”