Three important benefits with just 10 minutes of walking per day

Walking is an excellent exercise for the body which can be easily done by anyone, regardless of fitness and age…
Walking helps to prevent a series of risks, such as cardiovascular, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, depression etc., while for some it is considered a better exercise than the gym.
Even 10 minutes of walking per day, offer significant benefits for your health:
With just two minutes per hour
Walking just two minutes per hour instead of sitting reduce by 33% the risk of premature death. In reaching this conclusion a recent study by the American society of Nephrology.
With five minutes per hour
Burn up to 1,000 calories a week, according to research from the University of Utah. If an active day includes 16 hours (8 hours sleep) the useful time goes up to 80 minutes a day.
With a 10-day
Save your arteries. Six hours of a sedentary lifestyle reduces the blood flow in your legs, which contributes to the risk of arterial disease, which is the precursor stage for a heart attack or stroke. Walk well just 10 minutes a day and protect the health of your arteries.