This you have not seen before: The French town of Penmarch in the cloud “like bubbles” [video]

Located on the west coast of France is the tiny community of Penmarch. With less than 6,000 inhabitants, is what will wait…
. A historic, picturesque French town.
Of course this is happening (as you will see in this video), the streets of Penmarch this week is no less charming and more like (the city) to be stuck inside a giant washing machine.
While the phenomenon looks like an explosion of like bubbles, the explanation is really quite simple. The Penmarch is located on level ground, at a very low altitude. Some areas of marshland have completed all these years to give their place to more residents and to the opportunities of trade. The port of Saint-Guénolé, where was taken this video is known to be a dangerous place in bad weather, despite the protection of two peninsulas granite known as the Krugen and Conq. Strong winds, however, brought ashore excessive foam of the sea!
Despite the fact that the guy who took the video doesn’t seem to be in any immediate danger, it is important to note that the ocean in combination with strong winds, can be unpredictable phenomenon. However, the residents of the area are accustomed to such a phenomenon that certainly has its own wild beauty.


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