This is where Tyler McBeth lived during the pandemic – a 13-square apartment in West Village, New York

In a 13-square-square area in West Village, the husband of the President of SYRIZA, Stephen Kasselakis, lived in New York in March 2020. It was the period of the pandemic and already resided there for six months. Tyler McBeth, who now lives permanently in Greece who recently bought with his husband, and also has nothing to do with it, was hosted at the site for the house and described how to use such a small space. Describing some things about his house he said at the time: “I am a night shift nurse in New York neurosurgery METH and also a student working for his PhD. As I have a full and demanding employment status I consider it important to return to a warm, safe and peaceful environment. The work amid a pandemic made me appreciate even more being able to return to an apartment that functions as a very calm and safe place.” Tyler McBeth presented his just 13 square apartment as follows: “In my spare time between the bars, I decided that perhaps I can share with you what my tiny space is to give other ideas or inspiration to do some of the same things in their small space. Now, more than ever, with everyone in quarantine, we’re in our homes looking for things to do out of work. I hope that my very small humble residence can inspire others to create a place for which they will be proud, feel safe, but also act as a calm and comfortable habitable space.” Answering the question what his favorite room is and why, he says: “As it is a studio with elevated bed space, it serves and acts as a room with minimal separation. Therefore, I would say that the entire apartment is my favorite room! The best view of the apartment is from the attic. From the large window located in the attic you can see the Hudson Yards and Empire State Building”. In the question what is the last thing he bought for his house he says is a stool which also uses as a small bedside table in the attic and that when he has guests he acts as an extra seat in the living room. Tyler McBeth also gives advice on how to decorate a house that will love it. “Stay real. We all have different tastes and perceptions about the feeling that our homes should take out. It is important to select items that suit the space to avoid filling it but to make the house work in a comfortable way. Buy things over time, do not rush to fill the space alone. Instead, wait until you find these one or two things you cannot live without. When you do that, you create a space different from anyone else and everyone will notice! » Photos: Tyler Macbeth/ source: