This is the reason why you afraid of the dark

If it closes when the light overwhelms the fear, this theme is for you…
Most believe that the fear of the darkness is a nonsense, which it usually has run out of our childhood experiences. The science says that things are nearly so.
According to New York magazine well, there are several explanations for the “something called noctiphobia”, or the irrational fear that gives birth to someone the dark. The origins of the syndrome that are millions of years back.
Our ancestors, the cavemen, I mean, when he was in the dark, they had the fear of predatory animals. A study published in the journal PLoS One, links the hunting habits of lions – which hunt for prey animals after six in the afternoon, and sunset – with the inherent fear of man for darkness, where such predators they see, and with the absence of light.
What is it that we fear in the dark? We don’t know exactly what is around us and the mind can do millions of scenarios for the potential risks.
According to a british survey, 40% of respondents admitted that he is afraid to walk home at night without a light on. In another study in Toronto, almost half of the participants said they are afraid of the dark and so are experiencing a problem with their sleep. The most interesting, however, is that most people don’t realize that they are suffering from something called noctiphobia and attribute their anxiety to something else.
The solutions are two: you can either just turn on the light, or to do cognitive therapy – that is, what would you do to your child as a parent, to expose repeatedly in the dark to prove that it’s not a scary place.

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