They saved the dog that someone threw into a pit and closed with the palette of the olive Grove of Athens

In the olive Grove of Athens at noon today working in the E.FOD.A.E. that made control of the wells, identified randomly in a conductor for a dog, which someone had thrown out, while the opening of the τσιμεντοσωλήνα had closed with a wooden pallet. The clerk heard the cries of the dog and thus managed to locate the point. Immediately call the Fire department and the dog απεγκλώβισαν three firefighters 2nd Fire Station of Athens.The dog, who is fortunately in good health though very frightened, he drank three bowls of water while it is unknown how many days he was stuck in the pipeline. A worker in the area that maintains a company’s willingness to keep the animal since he has four other dogs.
The area of the olive Grove and the Botanical are places of abandoned animals who are abused in many ways by the people there…
