Thessaly: Plan for new registration of PDO agricultural products

It is an area where rural land has the potential to produce quality agricultural products, while some of them can be the benchmark, as they can give even greater added value, to offer the development and promotion of primary production. For example, the apple of Agia, the chickpeas of Farsala, the chestnuts of Pelion, the chestnuts of Melivoia etc., are widely known for their quality, and are an important nutritional choice for consumers. In the direction of the promotion and in particular the certification of several agricultural products in the area of Thessaly, which will be able to help the primary sector significantly, initiatives are taken, with the support of the Region of Thessaly, aiming at certification (PDO) 13 products from the wider region. According to the Regional Commissioner of Thessaly Dimitris Koureta, who presented the supporting structure of the Region of Thessaly, the aim of the initiative to assist the certification of products concerns the development and promotion of primary production. Mr. Kouretas stressed that there is the faith and the need from the Region of Thessaly, to develop the added value of rural products in the region, as these agricultural products bring a very large income for the producers of Thessaly. The dossiers of the products approved for certification concern: the apple of Agia / Milo Agias PGI, the chickpeas Amorgos Farsala PGI, the chestnuts of Pelion / Chestnuts of Pelion PDO, chestnuts of Melivoia / Kastano Melivias PDO, the chestnuts of Ampelakia / Kastano Ampelakion PDO, the chestnut of Karitsa PDO, the almond of Tempon / Amygdalo Tempon PGI, the garlic Platykabu / Etopio Skordo Platykampou PDO, the radial Peni Delta Pineiou PGI, the Achladi Crystal Tyrnavu / Akhaldi Kristalli Tyrnavou PDO, the Boscodiri P. The supporting service of the Region of Thessaly to the beneficiaries of the dossiers and also to the cooperative agricultural consultants, aims to support and transfer know-how, in terms of the content and preparation of the dossiers, to the beneficiaries or to the appointed agricultural consultants. As far as the timetable is concerned, within the next few months, the product files are expected to be filed, so that they will take the path of promotion and enrich the agri-food potential of Thessaly.