Thessaloniki: The cook’s new message that was stabbed in ouzeri by a customer for the kioskouvli

He was attacked by a Uzeri’s client at the, for the short-handed that served him. A few days after surgery, he’s trying to recover… They shock the details that see the light of publicity for the stabbing of the cook of an ouzeri in Thessaloniki by a customer who did not like the way the konosuvli was baked. He was drunk and took no objection. When the cook attempted to defend the freshness of the pork, the client grabbed a knife and nailed it to the chef’s belly. The incredible incident occurred in ouzeri in the area of Menemeni Thessaloniki in front of the fearful eyes of dozens of regulars. In Mega’s “You Still Seen Nothing” the cook who was attacked and underwent surgery once again spoke. “To be punished, I want neither apology nor anything. Whatever he offers me, I can’t see him because he’s not human. I don’t sleep all night, I fall asleep after 7:00 in the morning with the bells we say until 9-10, that’s where I sleep. More than not, because I’m gonna have pain again. The incident calls me and tells me I want to eat something light. I tell him light, I got chicken soup, green rice. Then he says ‘no, no, no light meat’. If we go to the meat, I’ve got some rooster day, I’ve got a shorthand. He says ‘Put me a shorthand, and a head cheese and a French fries. The kiosk is served in pilafi”. “I hear from the kitchen calling me. I go out and he says ‘’Will you tell me the shorthand is today or old?’ He starts swearing at my mother, he gets angry and I say ‘stop’. I’m 65 years old, professional, and you won’t curse my mother. He gets angry, gets up, grabs the fork and comes towards me. He had grabbed the knife and stabbed me in the belly. He had parked the bike in front of the store and left… he was swearing. The doctors said ‘If you hadn’t come, in three minutes you would have died’.