Thessaloniki: Robbery in a convenience store, sprayed the clerk with pepper spray

The security cameras at the convenience store in the city recorded the seconds and seconds of horror the employee lived against the two perpetrators… The robbery at the convenience store in Thessaloniki is completed within seconds. The video document captures the nightmare the unfortunate employee lived in. The man found against the two perpetrators who held a gun and a knife. The money from the canoe fund “poor” and immediately afterwards we see a robber spraying the worker with pepper spray. Despite the investigations the perpetrators were not detected and remain undetected. With an entire area remaining upset by the outbreak of crime in recent times. The gun threat robbery occurred in a convenience store in the Harilau area in Thessaloniki on Sunday 24 March. As shown in the video secured by the OPEN TV station, one of the two perpetrators marks the store clerk with a gun, asking him to empty the register. At the same time, the second perpetrator holds a knife which continually proposes it towards the workman of the convenience store, while the two men also used pepper spray to slow down the employee’s reflexes so as not to make any sudden move. According to information in the middle of this week he is expected to visit Thessaloniki and Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrysohoidis, aiming to create a plan to combat petty crime.