Thessaloniki: Rescue Dogs and Escorts Honored by the ND Administrative Commission

Specially trained take part in rescues wherever and whenever necessary. In and out. Always with their escorts… A great thank you to rescue dogs and their escorts, who serve in units in Thessaloniki, for their continued and valuable contribution to the management of particularly difficult situations and the rescue of our fellow people, addressed the chairman of the Management Committee of the New Republic of Thessaloniki Zisis Joakimovic, as part of an event organized by the party organisation at the Therma dam, together with the Secretariat of Civil Protection, in the context of the World Forest Day- Environment and Civil Protection. Mr Joachimovic praised the dedication and discipline shown by their dogs and operators during a rescue operation, focusing on the harmonious cooperation they develop in order to carry out their mission. “Your work and offering to fellow man, in terms of finding and rescuing, is priceless. You cooperate methodically, with self – denial and unselfishness, because details can judge a human life. You deserve warm congratulations for what you offer to society,” said Mr Joachimovic. He then focused on the consequences of climate change, stressing: “Climate change is present. We all need to understand that our quality of life depends largely on caring for the natural environment. Already, the consequences of the climate crisis affect our everyday lives. So when we talk about environmental protection we refer to a vital element of culture, which we must approach as an absolute priority and key pillar of our daily action and thinking.”