Thessaloniki: Father slept in his car and his underage children were on their own in the center

An impression was caused by the case of a father of 2 children sleeping in his car while the children were wandering alone in the center of it. An unprecedented incident occurred in Thessaloniki, where 2 minor children, aged 4 and 2, wandered the city centre alone while their father… slept in the car! The incident occurred yesterday (20.03.2024), when a traffic cop found that the two minors, 4 years old girl and 2 years old boy, were walking alone in an outdoor parking lot, trying to cross the street vertically without the supervision of a parent. The children’s father was spotted and the police handcuffed him. She’s 28 years old. Roma, who was arrested for exposure to danger and driven by the self-evident process to the prosecution. The children are in protective custody, while the Prosecutor of Minors Thessaloniki was informed about the case.