These are the most dangerous foods for dogs

A lot of people have for companionship a pet in their home and most of a dog…
However, there are some foods that are particularly dangerous. Some of these are known (chocolate, alcohol, chewing gum, nuts), but there are some that can cause problems to the friendly animals. Some even to their deaths.
Particular attention so. See below what these are:
Alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol can cause vomiting diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal acidity of the blood, coma, and even death.
Contains two methylxanthines, caffeine and theobromine, the latter being located in a fairly larger quantity. The action in the body is a diuretic and stimulant to the myocardium and nervous system. The symptoms observed in animals are agitation, vomiting, frequent urination, excessive thirst and cardiac arrhythmias, muscle tremors, and even death if consumed an excessive amount of. Note that dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of μεθυλοξανθινών, while the baked chocolate contains the highest. Depending on dr the coffee and tea and any other beverage or formulation with caffeine.
It is good to avoid because they are difficult to digest by dogs, and in particular the most dangerous is considered to be eating bitter almonds (toxic substance: cyanide), and macadamia nuts – hazelnuts with a hard brown shell, since they cause muscle weakness, stiffness of the limbs, prostration and vomiting.
Avocados contain a fatty acid, the περσίνη. Although it is harmless when consumed by a person not allergic, it is toxic to all mammals of domestic species, many species of birds, sheep, goats, and horses. Causes pericardial fluid collections, and severe shortness of breath, which can prove fatal if not addressed immediately.
Grapes & raisins
In large quantities, cause kidney failure, and even death in pets. However, even a small amount (5 grapes) can cause dog vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and abdominal pain, with a mechanism that remains unknown.
Cause the dog and the cat hemolytic anemia if eaten raw, cooked, or in powder form. The cause is certain sulphur compounds which it contains and give it the characteristic smell. Normally these are metabolized in the body with the help of an enzyme, which, however, do not have dogs and cats. The symptoms are a consequence of the destruction of red blood cells caused and mainly shows weakness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, pale mucosae (due to hemolysis), and brown coloring of the urine (due to αιμοσφαιρινουρίας). Similar results has been and eating large quantity of garlic, raw or in powder form.
Chewing gum & candies without sugar
They contain xylitol, since July 2004 it is considered toxic for pets. Within 15-30 minutes of eating just a few grams, the levels of insulin in the blood of the animal rise and glucose fall short, ending with the hypoglycemic crisis. If not treated, can happen irreparable brain damage and liver failure will appear within 24 hours. Particular attention should be given to diabetic animals fed with delicacies without sugar and can in the ingredients to “hide” the xylitol.
Raw meat
Should not be given to dogs because it can cause food poisoning from bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, E.coli and Toxoplasma.
Raw fish
Causes vitamin deficiency B1 (thiamine),due to the high rate of θεαμινάσης containing, with the result that neurological mainly symptoms. In addition, the raw salmon is causing ρικκετσίωση in dogs, with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dangerous is considered to be the raw egg, not only because of the risk of σαλμονέλλωσης, but also contains an enzyme, avidin that decreases the absorption of vitamin B7 (biotin) from the dog , creating mainly dermatological problems.
Dogs don’t need more salt than you might take with their food. Although in small quantities not a problem try not to give treats with too much salt in your dogs as it can cause severe thirst and can lead to diarrhea, depression, tremors, high body temperature, convulsions, and even death.