These are the most clever solutions to everyday problems

There are few times that we’re drowning literally in a spoonful of…
water wanting to deal with just daily things that happen in our kitchen or when dealing with some of the household activities and I don’t know the solution to the problem. A look at the list below will show you the way that will make your life easier…
1. To come easier the ketchup out of the bottle, insert a straw and pull then out.
2. Remove the gum stuck in her hair, brushing with a little vaseline or butter.
3. To clean the candlesticks from the candles that have been run, put it in the freezer for 20 minutes and the wax will be gone.
4. To pass a thread needle will make it easier if you first spray the tip of the thread with a little hairspray.
5. If you need to measure a specific amount of honey for a recipe, before using a spoon or pot and brush with a little oil. The honey will not stick to the walls.
6. Remove salt from leather shoes by rubbing with a solution of a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water.
7. To remove in a natural way odor of sports shoes, sprinkle with a little baking soda and leave it for 24 hours.
8. The stuck price labels on various items or children’s stickers are easily removed if you heat up with hair dryer.
9. Rub with a pencil, the zipper got stuck and the graphite will act as an excellent lubricant.
10. To come easier the juice of oranges or lemons, before the cut roll them on the table.
11. To get rid of the smell of garlic from hands, rub them with a spoon.
12. When you feel tired, eat a chewing gum with a taste of cinnamon.
13. Stop annoying hiccups by swallowing a teaspoon of sugar.

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