These are the 5 foods that will help to control your appetite

You want to lose a few pounds, do diet, but in your mind the feeling of hunger?
These are the five foods that you should consume to control your appetite!
The feeling of hunger is the reason why most people fail to maintain the diet program. Don’t succumb to the purr of your stomach! Avoid the unhealthy snacks and get your fill with healthy alternatives. These in accordance with the mothersblog, is:
To find your meal satisfying eat an apple about half an hour ago! The fruit is very good for the health, but it is important to know what is the right time to eat them. An apple before a meal will reduce the feeling of hunger because of the high content of water and fiber and so when you sit down at the table, you will eat less!
The avocado is a fruit rich in fat. Eat half an avocado with your lunch or a little while ago, and he will be full until the afternoon!
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans are rich in protein, fiber, iron, B vitamins and antioxidants. They have a lot of health benefits and if you involve them more deeply in your diet, you will feel less desire for snacking.
The soup is a super food that is causing the feeling of satiety with minimal calories! If you want to reduce the quantity of food, the soups are the perfect meal for you!
Believe it or not, dark chocolate can do wonders for those watching their diet or are on a diet! Research shows that dark chocolate protects the heart and the brain makes us feel full for many hours!
If you watch your diet, the more food is a must for your diet! Follow the tips and you will see for yourself results!