These Are the 3 points that you have to watch out because they add years

Read it so that I don’t ever do that again…
There are some of the things we grow without realizing it! What is this?
Dull and dry skin: As we age the levels of hormones drop, and our skin becomes more dry. If you don’t trace it in time and not do something about it, the result will be to start to fill slowly with wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
The solution: Use a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid which helps the skin maintain the right moisture levels. To avoid and dull skin, make a once weekly good exfoliation on your skin.
Tired eyes: If your eyes are red internally, and you have dark circles, then definitely the look on your face does not look fresh and glowing and logically, this problem will grow physically.
The solution: make Sure you rest more to avoid the red spots and dry around the eyes with your concealer and on your cheekbones some of the highlight shade to illuminate the whole face.
“Sunken” cheekbones: Many women, especially after pregnancy that causes changes in weight, complain of the cheekbones, it’s not like it was before.
The solution: to improve their image, you’ll need the appropriate “tools”. You’ll need a good blush and a good brush to spread it properly to make it look more “perky”.

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