THESE are 10 poisonous foods that there are in every house.

We are certainly very careful when we pick mushrooms, but there are other foods that can poison us.
In fact, some of these are so common that we may consume on a daily basis.
1. Cherry
The pit from the cherry contains hydrocyanic acid. If swallow by mistake, the pit, could end up in the emergency room.
2. Nutmeg
Nutmeg is a known hallucinogen. Can cause delirium and hallucinations, and the consumption of about 100 grams may result in a seizure.
3. Potato
The leaves and the stem of the potato contain γλυκοαλκαλοειδή. These substances accumulate in the potato with time, particularly due to the exposure to the sun. The γλυκοαλκαλοειδή can cause cramps, diarrhea, severe headache, or in extreme cases, death.
4. Almonds
There are two varieties of almond, sweet almond and the bitter almond. The bitter almond contains a large amount of hydrocyanic acid. Even 7-10 raw bitter almonds can be dangerous for adults or fatal for children.
5. Honey
The honey has not undergone pasteurization contain dangerous toxins which are called γκρεϊγιανοτοξίνες. May cause dizziness, weakness, profuse sweating, nausea and tendency to vomiting.
6. Tomato
The stem and leaf of tomato contains alkaline substances that cause irritation in the stomach. The unripe green tomatoes have the same effect on the body.
7. Tone
The tone is dangerous because of the mercury absorbed by the fish. When mercury enters the body, passes from the kidneys or is transferred to the brain and can even cause paranoia. Experts recommend children and pregnant women to avoid eating tuna.
8. Cashews
Raw cashews contain a toxic oil (an urushiol) that there is also poison ivy. High levels of the substance may prove to be fatal.
9. Rice
Rice can contain arsenic, a toxic substance that causes a tendency to vomiting, pain in the abdomen and vertigo. The long-term exposure to the harmful toxin is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. According to the U.s. Food and Drug administration, it is practically impossible for anyone to die from excessive consumption of rice.
10. Rhubarb (ρήο)
The leaves contain oxalic acid, which causes kidney stones. You need to consume about 5 kg of leaves to produce a risk for our life, but very less quantity is enough to get

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