The turn of the Συριζαίων – Launch report on the Holy Mountain – Will attend and Putin?

George Theoharis
The “turn” to the church, take the executives of SYRIZA after the impressive folding in the politico-economic realism…
Everyone remembers that in the past the statements of the people who are currently on the benches of the parliamentary majority was aggressive not only in terms of the memorandum policy, but to the Church, their representatives and estate.
Of course, since then a lot has happened with the result that certain strains of Left-wing government from one hand to hold the memorandum and from the other the Gospel. It remains to be seen, of course, if you are doing it for purely promotional reasons or for the salvation of the… Left of the soul. In this context, therefore, forms part of the exhibition “Athos. The Holy Mountain” which will accommodate the Greek Parliament with the President of Niko Βούτση to be the opening this Thursday May 26 at 6 pm. The date, however, chosen just at random is not considered, since it coincides with a visit to the country of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
For the time being, however, the Greek parliament is not part of the programming, will give, however, the “present” several Russian officials. Besides, the exhibition is organized by the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, on the occasion of the αφιερωματικού year Greece and Russia, but also the display of the presence of Russian monks on Mount athos (1016-2016). Immediately before the inauguration, in the hall of Senate of the Parliament, is going to address the President of the General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy and Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Ποπόβ, while speech will address to the Secretary-General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy and deputy Minister of Foreign affairs Ioannis Amanatidis, before representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, representatives of other religious faiths, as well as representatives of state, civil and military authorities of the country.
The exhibition “Athos. The Holy Mountain” was presented for the first time in the Russian State Duma two months ago, while, after the presentation of the Greek Parliament, we will follow a great route, next stations the European Parliament, museum of Belgrade and the Chamber of Deputies of Italy. The report includes historical material from the collections of mount athos photo gallery of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petra, with only a very few photographic impressions of persons and historical events related to the Holy Mountain, pictures from the daily livable, pictures of Saints, ascetics, Patriarchs, abbots and high visitors, as well as unique etchings impressions of the Holy mountain.

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