The Turks challenge Cyprus: If we did not intervene in 1974 Turkish Cypriots would have the same fate as Palestinians

They step up the provocative statements about Turkish officials, following his example that said a few days ago that Turkey in 1974 should take over the entire island. After the Turkish President, Jevdette Yilmaz said that Cyprus is an integral part of the Turkish nation. He described the Turkish invasion of 1974 as a “peaceful happiness operation”, and suggested that Greek Cypriots use the electrical interconnection system with Turkey. At the same time, he reiterated the Turkish account of two separate states for a solution to the Cyprus problem. “It makes no sense to test the same formulas,” he said, saying that if Turkey has not intervened the Turkish Cypriots would have the same fate as the Palestinians in Gaza. “National case of Turkey Cyprus” On the same wavelength and the candidate mayor of the ruling AKP in Istanbul, Murat Kurum, who described Cyprus as a “national case of Turkey”. “We will continue to glorify our national affair with the historical steps we took, such as the opening of Famagusta. We will make a daughter of the Eastern Mediterranean eye Cyprus and a pole of attraction,” Kurum said.