The Trump promises to be the largest, most effective and strongest army

The president of the united states Donald Trump promised today that it will create an army of “bigger, more effective and stronger than ever”…
while expressing the hope that “not ever used”.
“We will ask (…) a huge budget for the beloved us army. And will significantly improve our army. All of our army. In attack and in defense. All. Larger, more effective and stronger than ever,” he said, speaking at the annual Conference of Political Action of Conservatives (she’s still).
“And I hope that you won’t need to use him ever. But no one should challenge us, my friends. No one,” he added, while the gathered chanted in unison “USA, USA”.
“It will be the biggest increase in the power of the army in the history of America. No one will dare to challenge it (…) because we have watered down too, too much of the automatic budget cuts,” he explained.
“We believe in peace by force. And what we are. This is included in my promise to restore security for Americans,” he continued.
On 27 January the Trump signed a decree on the “reconstruction” of the american armed forces. In this text he asked the Defence ministry to prepare within 30 days a report on the state of the american forces, mainly in terms of education, munitions and infrastructure. He had also requested a correction in the budget for the 2017 hours to improve this year the operational status of the army.
Although the united states have 3.3% of their GDP for the armed forces, the military often complain that they do not have sufficient equipment to carry out the missions of their trust. According to the Swedish institute Sipri, us defense spending is three times more than those of China and eight times higher in comparison with those of Russia.