The time of the apology… for the dealer of the “white death” in young students

The time of the plea bargain, the 34 year old, who was selling the “white death” out of schools in the city of Chania… arrived…
The 34-year-old led within the day, before the investigating judge, in order to justify the unjustifiable as to illegal activity, with customers, with underage students.
Officers of the Department of Narcotics Chania after επιστάμενες surveys, as they had information about the “business” that he had set up the 34-year-old, tracked him down and in cuffs.
In research, conducted in the home, found and seized:
7 homemade packs which contained a total of 693 grams of cannabis,
6 homemade packs which contained a quantity of cocaine with a total weight of 4,65 g,
3 electronic precision weighing scales,
the amount of 170 euros as coming from illegal activities, foldable metal rod,
2 mobile phones as a means of facilitating illegal activities.

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