“The saddest thing for Greece is that there is a lot of wealth, but it is…
hidden or has been transferred to London”, – stressed the head of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem tonight answering questions at the Oxford Union, the forum for dialogue of the university of Oxford.
As mr Dijsselbloem it is time to open the Eurogroup, the question of the reduction of Greek public debt which “we don’t want to get rid of it, there will be no haircuts. But we want to look at ways to lighten up”,
“We don’t want to return to a state of crisis. It is harmful for Europe and Greece. Let’s sort this out”, he stressed and advocated the strategy of the eurozone with regard to Greece, noting the measures that “it is hard, but must be taken”.
“The citizens have to pay taxes, something that is not pleasant especially in a crisis, but it must be done to build a country. It is a fact that Greece must take difficult measures. I wouldn’t refuse never do that”, he said.

The statement of Dijsselbloem that causes: “The sad thing for Greece is that there is wealth but…”