Red spill
Image by maistora

(Title) with surprise and indignation at the incredible audacity of those responsible for the long term looting and destruction of Parnes read the email page Eleftherotypia the following “news”:

“improvised device announced that it found police Parnitha
improvised device detected officers in the abandoned building in Parnes, a former hotel in Xenia, according to an announcement by the police.
As stated in the notice was placed in a plastic container and consisted of a gas cylinder 12.2-liter, a 12-volt car battery and connections with wires and electronic tuner.
The device received the Board EOD questioning and conduct counter-terrorism “.
source: & ; id = 181998

This “news” is constructed and the “event” referred to is katafanestata rigged. This is a blatant provocation to katsykofantithei and tainted the social struggle for the protection of mountains and forest from the looting and destruction make the plans and the exploitative activities of the State and operators of gambling.
Not random old Xenia which supposedly “found” the emptistikos mechanism is the place for three consecutive years after the great fire that burnt the Parnitha in June 2007, made Weekends events resistance from the War Initiative Strefi the earth and Freedom.
This year’s two-day trek resistance was Parnitha 3 to 4 July weekend, focusing on the old Xenia, where a week right after the provocation was erected by placing an inflammatory mechanism to be found by the police implicated and implied in the race initiative and people who struggle with aftarnisi and courage against adversity in each to defend his beloved mountain.
The treacherous and dirty provocation to those who erected a prey to the mountain for decades and are responsible for the terrible destruction by fire in June 2007 shows both the deep discomfort from continuing our fight to them reveals and exposes the criminal Amoralism that did not stop in front of anything.

For a deeper understanding of things, full disclosure and ridicule to remember that:
“A weekend (3-4 July) Parnitha another two-day trek from the resistance struggle of the Initiative Strefi for the Land and Freedom. The weekend was three years after the great fire of June 27, 2007, as a moment of the long struggle to protect the mountain. to remember that the destruction and looting of Parnes continues to break the silence Faced with the multitude of criminal activities and plans of the political and economic power on the mountain. The weekend was focusing on the area of the old Xenia Hotel, which has been granted for the reconstruction and operation of the Casino, and participated in large and small friends Parnes while many visitors to the mountain came into contact with messages and content. The weekend began Saturday afternoon with clearing the site and install it, post banners and slogans on display. followed by discussion and informational video game Initiative Parnes and the movie-documentary about global environmental catastrophe. On Sunday, the arrival and other partners continued intervention in the area and took a tour of the surrounding area was filled with voices and toys for smaller browsers … The whole movement two-day epitirountan remotely from the cops who were assigned to control the road leading to the casino. The struggle against the looting and destruction of the mountain continues …”

http://athens lang = el & article_id = 1190525

Please remember that the old Xenia and the surrounding area have been granted by the 2003 Law on the holding of the Casino. It is a forlorn place, full of debris and traces of fires. The fighters of the Initiative from the race Strefi among other activities at two-day trek in which they participate with their child, the cleaning in their capabilities and use katarichomenoi surfaces of the building to hang or gigantopano write great slogans against the House, exploitation and pillage of Parnes.
The slogans which they appear from afar so annoying that the House act on this just to erase that silenced every voice of protest against criminal operation inside the Forest of Parnes.
to stress that the fighters fight from the Initiative Strefi have organized numerous mergers, demonstrations and events to protect the mountain, and among them are people who hikes years Parnitha knowing very well, volunteered to extinguish the large fire in June 2007, were arrested and beaten by police in a symbolic attack was to paint the House on 29 July 2007.
the insidious provocation against are fighting to protect Parnes should not be left without terminated and we need public offer for all the people struggling on the offensive against the state and capital in nature and society.

PS. Tonight at 9pm Initiative by Strefi with other partners will showcase the park Cyprus Patission video River Achelous and race struggle against dams and diversion ¨

http : / / lang = el & article_id = 1191975

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Image by Gabba Gabba Hey!

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