The solution to quit smoking more easily!

You have tried many times to quit smoking, but in vain?…
I have good news, after a new research from Buffalo University in America showed that you could quit smoking in the most natural way, without the help of drugs or substitutes (nicotine gum, stickers, electronic cigarette). The secret? As long as it increases the daily amount of fruits and vegetables you consume!
The survey involved approximately 1000 smokers over the age of 25. The results showed that those who consumed large amounts of fruit and vegetables smoked less than the other participants and were 3 times more likely to stop permanently smoking.
This is due to the fact that the fiber-containing fruits and vegetables cause a sense of fullness and satiety in the stomach and in the brain and secrete substances that prevent the need for smoking.
On the contrary, the consumption of coffee, alcohol and meat increases the feeling of hunger that is interpreted by the brain as a lack of nicotine.