The secret to easy, happy children

Among the many obligations, parents often believe that we must ensure for our children as much as we can. More …
skills, more experiences, more knowledge and information.
But new research shows that children are happier and grow better as personalities, when they have the time and space to explore and discover the world without being oppressed by all the things that we hasten to assure them.
When you have a lot of options, a lot of things, many of the activities and the everyday life flowing at high speeds, then lose something that is very important:
the time and the calmness to play, and to throw tons. So, the key for the kids to be more flexible and more happy is to make their life easier, reducing the burden of information and actions that have to manage each day to the minimum possible, leaving the necessary space for development, creation and relaxation.
“Many of the behavioral problems that children are facing today are related to the fact that they have too much stuff in their possession, and when they live in a very fast pace,” says the author of the book Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier and More Secure Kids, John Payne. The result is children full of stress and running to catch up with all you have to do in a day.
How to ensure a more relaxed environment
Start from the area of the house, advises the expert. Just by reducing the number of toys and other objects that are in the room of the child increases the ability to focus attention and to play much more creatively. “On the contrary, too many things lead to limitation of time and the depth in which the kids perceive to process the world,” concludes Payne.
Read here why the kids need
less games than what they have…
– Fewer games = more fantasy
As will be clear in their games, have in mind that everything that’s left must be what they offer pleasure and entertain children for a long time but for quite some time.
You will find that the favorite toys are usually the most “classic”, that which is most simple in construction, without unnecessary sounds and accessories, such as stuffed animals, dolls, blocks, trains, cars and materials for painting or crafts.
Reduce also the number of books you have on the bedside table and the shelves. Leave 2-3, and place the rest in a library from where you will get new every so often to refresh the experience of reading with your child.
Add a few simple materials (such as pillows and fabrics), which the child can use to build with the imagination of the towers or houses. Finally, ensure that the child has the necessary time to be able to make his own fun world.
– Put the relaxation in the program
After clearing the room of the child it is time for you to do the same, and the rate at which the day’s events succeed one another.
Routine is essential -children need to know what to do after to be calm and feel safe. But, on the other hand, it is important to be simple and not require them to be located then from one activity to another.
Free time for rest, play and exploration is essential. As is necessary, and the time without distractions from screens!
Limit extracurricular activities to one or two (make sure they are the ones that the child really enjoys), ensure the time needed for practicing these and let the rest of the year to a hassle-free program.It would be beneficial not only for the child but also for you! But, don’t think that will be easy!
The effort to simplify the everyday life of the family is enduring, and it requires you to change some habits. But it’s worth the world, because only when you remove from their lives the “excess” will allow the children to discover exactly what they love and what they want for the present and the future.