The school, your majesty, not only teaches knowledge, but also moral values…

Opening a new special section in the alfavita for school and education, we will post quotes and sayings that…
we think they have value.
“Where he opens a school, closes a prison”.
Victor Hugo, French writer and poet
Reading the historic words of Hugo, the teachers Olga Ioannou and Valve Work thought to comment on the following story in the Daily:
“Once, in a land far away there lived a righteous king, who was wondering what is best to do for his kingdom. To open a school for intelligent and educated nationals or a jail to punish them when he needs it, and they fear him? So one day he called at the palace, a teacher and a prison guard and asked them to support everyone’s opinion. “But it’s a very simple dilemma, your majesty. If you build a jail, all your subjects will thank you for it, because you will feel safe, since those who break the law will be deprived of their freedom and the others will be afraid to offender,” said the jailer.
“Uh! Tell us and you, master”.
“The school, your majesty, not only teaches knowledge, but also moral values. The school helps the man to develop his potential, to recognize the obligations and rights, to ensure peace and progress. Thus, the subjects you will feel safe, will respect you and will be in a position to reject any violent behavior. Your kingdom will thrive and your name will go down in history. Do we really need such a kingdom, railings and guards?””