The scandal of Erdogan, is again coming to the forums…

The volcano who believed that it was dormant, has been awakened….
The arrest in Florida of a Turkish-iranian businessman brought to Turkey the old corruption scandal that discredits the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the eve of the american tour.
Going on vacation in the U.S., Reza Ζαράμπ was arrested as soon as he arrived in Miami, was charged in weight, as well as against two other iranian citizens, and immediately προφυλακίσθηκε. The american justice accuses transactions with Iran that violated the embargo, and for which he could be sentenced to a sentence of up to 75 years of age.
The news had little publicity in the U.S., but have not escaped the opposition Turkish Press, which projected it to the front pages.
Because this is just 33 years old businessman, married with a famous Turkish singer, is located in the heart of the case, which two years ago had undermined the foundations of the regime of Erdogan, who was then prime minister.
In December 2013, the Ζαράμπ had been arrested along with dozens of other rebel sympathizers in power because he had indulged in illegal gold trade with Iran, διευκολυνόμενος in the activity of this by ministers of the ισλαμοσυντηρητικής government of Ankara. Four of them were resigned or dismissed.
Phone intercepts that came in on the publicity, they were then framed directly Erdogan and his son Bilal.
The prime minister had denounced a “conspiracy” and accused the former ally, the imam Φετουλάχ Γκιουλέν, who had a great influence in the police and the justice system, he fabricated the case to hurt.
After an extensive witch-hunt in the ranks of what he called “the parallel state”, the powerful man in the country managed to regain control, to stop all the persecution, up to and win a few months later the presidential elections.
In Iran, the iranian partner of the Ζαράμπ, the billionaire Babak Ζανζανί, was sentenced to death on 6 March for corruption. But the case seems to have been buried permanently in Turkey, to the great disappointment of the opposition.
It’s a little to say that the resurgence of the case Monday, was received with the gluttony of the critics of Erdogan.
“The Ζαράμπ was arrested. And I’m sure that some will not go to sleep tonight,” said the leader of the social democrat opposition leader Kemal Κιλιτσντάρογλου. “I’ll speak to you there, you will see. All the hidden links will come to light”.
The Guy who is opposed to the regime are not left behind. “The fear that the Ζαράμπ will talk” was the title of the newspaper Sozcu. “The authority is in a difficult position,” said the columnist of Cumhuriyet Οζγκούρ Μουμτσού, “given the past performance of the prosecutor, you don’t have to be a soothsayer to predict political turbulence.
The district attorney for the southern district of New York who has taken up the case, Pete Μπαρέιρα, has indeed become the new hero of the opponents of Erdogan
The account of the judiciary on Twitter, which was displayed in 2012 on the cover of Time magazine as “the man who shot down the Wall Street” for the high-profile investigations into tax evasion at large banks, received in two days 160.000 turks “followers”.
“Do you want anything from Turkey? Raki, shish kebab, Turkish delight, a Turkish carpet? Ask. We are at your service”, suggested one of those young fans. “Good, I love the shish kebab, but I don’t think I can accept gifts just for doing my job,” replied wisely the american court.
Clearly less enthusiastic, the φιλοκυβερνητικός Type buried conception of Ζαράμπ on the inside pages of the, if not ignored completely.
The news is even more annoying for Erdogan because he’s going to visit next week, the united states and the state of Washington refuses persistently to issue his enemy, the Φετουλάχ Γκιουλέν, who lives in Pennsylvania.
“The charges announced today should be a message to all those who are trying to hide the identity of the true partners,” said Monday, Diego Rodriguez, the officer of the federal police (FBI) has taken over the investigation.
“If the Ζαράμπ give the names and ‘real partners’ of some in Iran, and perhaps Turkey, will feel bad,” commented the columnist Murat Γετκίν of the columns of the newspaper Hurriyet Daily News.

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