The rest of green salad with χορτόρυζο

Ingredients (for 4 people)…
1½ cup. tea green salad or whatever you have left (drained of sauce), 1½ cup. tea various other greens or vegetables, chopped (spinach or lettuce, with grated carrot or some fresh onion), 1 tsp. fresh spearmint dry, crushed, 2 tsp. tablespoons dill, rough around the edges, 1/2 package rice type Carolina.
Procedure: In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, add the olive oil and, once heated through, add the raw greens and vegetables and sauté for 3 minutes. Add the green salad that has been left and continue to sauté for another 3 minutes. Add the rice, stir for 1 more minute and add 3 cups of warm water. Add a little salt (sparingly because the green salad is already salty), cover and σιγομαγειρεύουμε for about 20 minutes, until the rice and mashes slightly our food. We don’t want to be dry, but fluid and juicy, so that, if necessary, add a little water during cooking. Finally, add the herbs, stir gently, remove from the heat and serve with toasted bread and cheese to our liking.
Alternative, in a stir-fry or in soup
Another food we can make if we left a lot of green salad from a table, is the fricassee. For more flavor, we can saute it first in a pan with the juices and then throw her in the meat when it is almost ready. We estimate that, if we have 5 – 6 cups of green salad, we can cook a stew for 4 people 1 ½ kg lamb (with bone) or with about 1 pound of beef or pork.
Also, we can, after you saute the salad, make a soup by calculating for each cup of green salad 1/2 cup of water. After you boil and soften the vegetables, beat in a blender and eat warm with a spoon of cow’s or sheep’s or goat’s yoghurt and a little olive oil over it.

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