The “remnants” of the holiday season

pie with leeks, turkey, mushrooms and chestnuts
For a round tart pan with a diameter of 31 cm.
The choice of mushrooms is a matter of taste. Personally I love the portobello much more than the common white mushrooms, and I love the fresh golden κανθαρέλλες and the exotic shiitake that we find this time of year. Always add a variety of dried αγριομανίταρα (λεντινούλες, black trumpets, μορχέλλες, porcini, etc.). For this pie I chose a 250 gr. fresh portobello, 100 gr. fresh κανθαρέλλες and a packaging of 80 grams. dried αγριομανίταρα.
At work: soak the dried mushrooms in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes, drain and dry with absorbent paper. Clean with a wet and squeezed paper towel fresh mushrooms and cut them into smaller pieces. In a deep frying pan heat a minimum of olive oil on high heat and sauté the mushrooms. Deglaze with a shot of cognac or port. Season with salt and pepper and flavor with 1 ml. garlic with the peel that we get away lightly with the blade of a knife and a few sprigs of fresh thyme. Cook the mushrooms for about 10 minutes, always on high heat to don’t expel the liquid, stirring regularly. Remove from the pan and discard the garlic. Lower the intensity of the fire on medium, put it back a little bit of olive oil to the pan and sauté 5 large chopped leeks. Season with salt and pepper and cook until the leeks are soft and stay dry. Remove from the hob and add the mushrooms, 1 cup. cf. coarsely chopped water chestnuts and 2 cups. cf. ξεψαχνισμένη leftover turkey. Leave the filling to cool completely.
Prepare a light béchamel with 3 tbsp. butter, 3 tbsp. flour and 2 cups. cf. milk, salt, pepper and 1 pinch of nutmeg. Once cooled, add 2 beaten eggs and 1-2 tbsp. grated parmesan cheese. We integrate the béchamel in the mix mushroom/leek/turkey and stir. Butter a baking pan well the tart pan and lay a sheet of puff pastry, making sure to cover the walls. Cut as sheet is left over. Drilling into the surface of the pastry with a fork. Spread the filling (which should be completely cold for it to not grey the sheet) and cover with a second sheet of puff pastry, making sure to stick well the two cards between them. We carve the surface with the tip of a knife in any design we like (e.x. μπακλαβαδωτά or rays) and brush it with an egg yolk. Make a small hole in the middle of the pie to come out of the vapours, the hour of baking. Φουρνίζουμε in a preheated oven at 180 ° C in air and lower resistance, for about 45 minutes, until χρυσίσει the surface. Remove from the form when the pie cool slightly.
-And a possibly useful tip: the French call the covered pies, tourtes, so, if you find yourself in France, don’t ask in bakeries cake, because they wouldn’t understand anything!
-If you are artistic types, you can decorate the pie ornate, with flowers you make with the leftovers of the dough. I’ve seen pictures like this and I’m completely jealous, but, unfortunately, the craftsmanship, and I don’t go very well.
In closing, I wish you and next year in good health and good luck. If your weirded you out with the challenging of my idea, be quiet and don’t give me a lot of attention, I don’t give no chance to achieve it!

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