The peculiarities of Einstein! No he got his hair cut in a cheap way…

According to the housekeeper of the Άλμπερτν Einstein was always…
marginally with the money and was trying to make savings everywhere.
It is significant, according to the testimony of his housekeeper, that he wore holes in his shoes even if they had been worn down so much that he was entering the water at his feet. “I was wearing up to the point where I will go,” said Waldow. The same he said that his favorite footwear was sandals.
He was obsessed with the eggs. Almost every day she ate two eggs for breakfast usually fried with mushrooms. Loved the mushrooms, could eat three times a day mushrooms. What could not be eaten was a steak that was not cooked well. “I’m not tiger,” he said and called for the meat to be very well baked.
Also he despised the English kitchen. “It’s horrible, they cook everything with sheep’s fat. But it was enough to give him strawberries and especially strawberries with whipped cream, was the best.
Albert Einstein, was a temperate man. Rarely drank alcohol, and drank only decaf coffee, while he liked to drink celery punch!
He liked to play the violin in the evening, but the playing was awful. In fact he was not playing well-known pieces, but his own compositions, he went down. One of the friends said the bow shook like a carpenter”.
Annoy the party and social gatherings. However, there were moments that participated in dinners with famous people of the era such as Charlie Chaplin.

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