The mushroom growth driver for the Grevena… [video]

With great success was held the workshop with the theme “The mushroom as a lever…
development for the city of Grevena, which was organised by the Municipality of Grevena with Μανιταρόφιλους Greece and the Mushroom Museum Λάβδας on 21 September 2016.
In the crowded hall of the Municipal Council the Mayor welcomed the members of the Municipal Council, local actors, representatives of the IP Grevena and the consultant. Minister for the Environment, mr. King Τσιακίρη. The conference also was attended by representatives of the Museum of Mushrooms Λάβδας, the president Μανιταρόφιλων Continent, the director of the Museum of Natural History and Mushroom Meteora and important representatives of the business world of Grevena working with the mushroom.
The workshop was opened by the Mayor, and immediately suggested the theme of the Spanish advisor of the General Directorate of Natural Environment of the region of Castilla Leon in Spain. Mr. Alvaro Picardo has developed in-depth experience of the region of Castilla Leon in the economic and tourist development of the mushroom. The baton was received by mr. George Konstantinidis, who in the capacity of president of the Μανιταρόφιλων Greece presented the actions and achievements of the Club and their visions for the future.
The fruitful cooperation of the Municipality with the Μανιταρόφιλους Greece and the Mushroom Museum Λάβδας it appears that yielded the maximum as well as a crowd of people attended the presentations and at the end were placed on the so-called or delivered the questions and concerns. With their exit from the chamber had the opportunity to admire artistic creations on the subject of mushroom by artists of the city, to see a variety of live wild mushroom supplied mr. Theodoros Karagiannis and taste impressive μανιταροεδέσματα cooked up members of the Association Μανιταρόφιλων Greece, and Theodoros Karagiannis, Christos Πλεσιώτης and Andreas Σλιάρας.
