In 2016, the journal Circuit of the American Cardiological Society reported that nearly half (45%) is what doctors call “quiet”. This means they do not cause classic symptoms, such as chest pain, or left hand. And according to another relevant research, this number is even higher: it is estimated that 50% to 80% of all heart attacks may be silent. Although in some cases, a silent heart attack may cause no symptoms, there is usually some kind of indication that something is wrong. It can just be so insignificant that the person having a heart attack doesn’t realize what’s really going on. This may then delay the search for medical care and, at worst, these precious moments may lead to a tragic outcome. Attention to five delicate signs of imminent heart attack… It’s hard to breathe. Going up steep stairs, or a panic attack, can make us feel like we’re breathing out. But it is also one of the most distinctive signs of heart attack that you should be careful, especially in women. Your breathing and heart pumping blood effectively connect very closely. If you have difficulty breathing for no apparent reason, go to a doctor immediately for a heart check. Indigestion, or heartburn Did you just eat a spicy meal, or fast food? Your stomach and heartburn are probably perfectly normal. However, indigestion can also be caused by decreased blood flow to the heart. If you have persistent chest pain and are not sure it is heartburn, call 911 or other emergency medical assistance. If you go to the E.R. with indigestion, doctors will immediately test you, because even experienced health professionals cannot always distinguish heart attack from heartburn. Pain in the jaw and/or neck The pain in the chest that “reflects” on your left hand is a symptom of a heart attack that you have probably heard before. But pain from a heart attack can occur in other places. Your jaw and neck are often two of them. It is something that you may feel like a “intense toothache”. However, pain in the neck and jaw on their own usually does not signal heart concern. If you have pain, or pressure in the center of the chest, spreading towards the neck or jaw, it could be a sign of a heart attack. Sudden sweating A warm day is certain to make you sweat easier, while thanks to night sweats women in menopause are used to waking up with soaked sheets. But if you suddenly sweat while you feel discomfort in your chest, hand, neck, or jaw, go to the hospital. A 2005 study by the University of Illinois in Chicago found that sweating, combined with any kind of pain in these areas, could be a reliable predictive agent of a heart attack. General feeling of discomfort You do not feel well, but you cannot determine exactly why? Then it’s a good idea to control your heart, even if you don’t think you’re showing classic signs of heart attack. A general state of discomfort and a general feeling of concern may suggest a silent heart attack. Don’t just stand there wondering what this feeling is that something’s wrong. The heart is a muscle and the decreased blood flow due to a heart attack is obviously not good. So don’t ignore any sign that something might be wrong. The longer one expects to be evaluated by a doctor, the more likely there is to be irreversible damage. Source: , , ,
The most “innocent” symptoms that may indicate that you have a heart attack
in Hello.