The most dangerous bird on the planet!

According to the Guinness Book of Records the most dangerous bird in the world is the famous Cassowary, known to most for the …
beauty and the stunning colors that the head and neck but also for the large resemblance to the ostrich.
The Cassowary has extremely strong legs, strong beak and sharp claws, which it easily can… gutted! In addition, it is particularly aggressive bird with people, so in case you see it, it would be good to lie down on the ground and let you overtake.
In any case, don’t try to run, because the Cassowary will reach you very quickly, since it can develop great speed. And if you decide to swim to escape, just to inform you that it is an excellent swimmer! Besides, it does not bear in vain the nickname “Shark of the land” or “Ninja birds”.
If ever so you find yourself in the wild, it would be good to watch not only the wild animals and reptiles but these beautiful birds are the no. 1 risk for people!
