The moral dimension …. in a crisis of Leadership Huh.D.!

Writes Kostas Βουλγαράκης
None of us and anyone else, has the right (institutional) or and ability (essential), to tell if …
the crises of Leadership of.D., was fair or unfair, good or bad, right or wrong!!
We all have likes and dislikes where appropriate, with others we have served with him and them we know and others we don’t know them, and in this sense …. we have our preferences with these, we make the “crisis” of us!! None of us, however, can seriously challenge and justified, the adequacy and capacity of the new Heads!!
Specifically for the NP, I know very well, so outgoing, and young Leaders of GEN and NES, ALL of them excellent, appreciate them, and I believe that they will continue to do their duty, so as the delivery of the HN and the specific current circumstances, the require!!
I’m unequivocally ardent fan, of both the institutional legitimacy and of the strict application of the Regulations, and especially of the ETHICS dimension, each action and decision, which relates to issues of meritocracy, crisis and evaluations of the staff!! Every crisis, NOT only must part of the legality, but you have to expresses a sense of law …. and acceptance regularity!!
Current crises and the selection of new Leaders, despite what is said, it is “in accordance with the Law” (provided for 1-2 months, before the regular bouts of Officers, of March) and so are considered to be “Regular”!! This time, of the 1-2 months, which is given by Law to the new Leaders, is to be informed and to prepare the crises of the other Officers, starting in accordance with the Law on the 1st of March!!
WARNING : I Want to point out that, any …. “Extraordinary Crises” Officers, are made according to the Law, BUT only …. “in highly exceptional situations, as compared to the risk on the safety of the Country!! And so are the rest of the judgments of Officers, must be done smoothly and on time …. unless “something else happens”!! March is near and …. there is no reason to rush, the disruption of the Army and creation of adverse-harmful impressions!!
In fact, even this “deep cut” in ΣΞ (retirement of 10 senior Generals), can be justified and are not unprecedented, in the cases of “selective Head”!! It can, of course, to us it seems justified- “weird” ….. HOW such critical days, that is, it tries to a such a degree of “renewal” of the yearbook, which (in percentage terms) of a kind of, not even after the Coup in Turkey, Erdogan (but, sadly, this is happening ….. where there is a “concern” for Coup d’etat)!!
THAT I mean, that would eventually seal, it will express …. the MORAL dimension of the crisis, but which would discredit (again) the prestige, dignity and respect the new Leadership of ED, is the ….. if the seizures were combined, and were made “in view of the elections”!! If so, in a short period of time, go or not in the elections!!
If you don’T go to elections, then the seizures were made smooth and a joy”!!
Good luck to all ….. and we have seen it !!

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