The mistakes of smart people sabotage… themselves!

There are times when even the most intelligent people are the victims of επιπολαιότητάς them or do things that don’t make any sense with the result to sabotage themselves…
After investigation of the site Quora, according to the BusinessInsider, which called for users to respond through personal experiences to the question “what is the most stupid moves that make the smart people” proved that the answers beyond even the most common ways that the intelligent unwittingly degrade themselves.
So what are the five stupid mistakes that make smart people:
Think very do a little
The thought comes very easily and effortlessly the smartest, and that is the reason why they think more than they act.”The investigation and the design is very important for the moderation, however, may mislead the process of progress,” says the entrepreneur Chris Yeh.
Stop trying
Usually people with sharp mind, who have experienced a significant evolution and have managed to achieve in their life, get bored easily and give up. They fail, however, to develop other talents and eventually make friends with others, who despite not being as talented and clever as they are, practice more.
Underestimate the social possibilities
Some “geniuses” don’t recognize the value of civility, which is a key component to the success and public relations which play a vital role in the professional field. “They’re not trying to improve their social skills, learn to network or promote their work, while often discrediting the people who succeed in these ways,” says the entrepreneur Lee Semel.
Is infallible
Many people mistakenly combine “I” with the reasonable having the impression that they’re always right and that’s how they become dear, while in fact the opposite is true, says Semel, and adds that it is bad to insist on something that does not have accurate information, but and embarrassing when coming to blows with people who have long-term beliefs.
Equate education with intelligence
The sociologist Liz Pullen argues that there are many who believe that a university degree can be associated with intelligence. In many cases this is reality especially when it comes to top institutions, however there are countless cases where people without a university education is ιδανικότεροι in jobs, because of their experience.