The possibility of a Brexit scares the European Commission, and it seems that forcing….
the president of the Jean-Claude Juncker to make the self-criticism. Not only the possibility to leave the Uk by the eu.E. but the general climate of euroscepticism which grow in Europe and shakes the foundations.
Is typical the answer of Jean-Claude Juncker in the British mep and euro-sceptic Nigel ΦάÏατζ. He said the growing opposition to the European Union, is in part the result of excessive interference from Brussels in the daily life of the people, which needs to be mitigated.
Under the fear in the referendum of June the British to vote in favour of the exit of their country from the European Union, Juncker stressed that the greater weight of decisions will have to be postponed in the capitals than in the central institutions of the EU.
“I think one of the reasons why European citizens are distancing themselves from the vision of Europe can be attributed to the fact that we are interfering in too many areas of their personal lives,” said Juncker. In many of these areas, he said, each individual “is in a better position to take action and pass bills”. For this reason, the Brussels vote, much less new bills than the previous presidents of the European Commission, he noted.
The statements of the head of the Commission made after the decision of Dutch voters at the beginning of the month to criticise the government and the EU, by rejecting closer relations with Ukraine. In 2005 the Dutch voted against, also, a proposed EU constitution.
“I said that very clearly in 2006 that the European idea is losing speed, that there was a disappointment. I don’t think that has changed the situation substantially, on the contrary, I would say,” said Juncker at a meeting of the parliament of the Council of Europe. “Yeah, actually we’re not particularly popular when we support the idea of (a united) Europe. Don’t remain any more respected in your country if you insist on the need for supranational institutions”.
Voters in newer eastern member-states of Europe such as Poland and Hungary have also voted for governments that engage in more criticism in the EU.
Juncker, however, said that it was not necessary to have closer cooperation between the 28 countries to address common challenges, between the immigration and threats to the safety of the member, and has strongly advocated on the eve of Britain in the EU.
“We made a mistake νομοθετήσαμε and we intervened too much in the everyday life of our fellow citizens (…), but we would be wrong also, and if you don’t … they’ve been showing the necessary respect for the principle of solidarity,” he said.

The incredible statements of Juncker: “we interfered too much in people’s lives…”