The HAGS bound that Friday 11/11 out the permutations of the Snooze Soldiers

The HAGS bound that Friday 11/11 I will get the Permutations of an adjourned …
colleagues who are currently in Training Centers Educator.
The transfers were on Wednesday, 09/11/2016 in the office of the ΑΓΕΣ Τελλίδη in order to be signed.
The transfers relate to colleagues who had completed the training stage, and they were getting a Postponement of the units.
As it is easy to understand everyone, on behalf of deferred members who had not completed the training in the KEN, you will remain there and will leave for the units along with the Series of November.
And we emphasize this, because the competent ncos and officers, either out of ignorance or because of inhumanity, make fun of and mislead their colleagues, telling them that it will all go away adjourned on December 2.
Which is not the case.
Always, in accordance with the commitments of the hellenic army general STAFF, which shows its determination to address this issue, in order to avoid a great injustice.
Recall what has preceded:
The GES violates the command of those Troops are classified, after Deferring Health!
The worst fears of the soldiers that are classified, after Deferring confirmed.
Despite the commitments of the hellenic army general STAFF that will respect the rights of soldiers and implement the relevant orders, the brutally violates.
According to complaints from fellow soldiers who had passed the gates of KEN on 2/11, they will remain in the Training Centers as the 28/11 and after being back in training will get a transfer.
It’s indicative of how they deal with fair reactions and the demands of the soldiers.
The competent service of the Directorate of Rifles Office (ALLOW) indicates unauthorized, that he doesn’t know and will see. We’re talking about the service that makes the Transfer-Placements.
The Director of th Office of Support Gunners, answer to the colleagues that we need to be patient!
This is the role? For this the minister of national DEFENCE, P.Glowing made it the particular service?
To declare unqualified, to tell us that we’re right, but that we need to take patience to get the transfers…. to sign the ΑΓΕΣ Τελλίδης and the Minister of…. and eventually we all leave together from KEN on 28 November…
Not because of the Law and the Orders, but because it suits the Bureaucrats of the Pentagon!
We read so in the, on the site of the HAGS, namely:
Rifles that are classified, after deferring health
Those who have completed their Initial training in the 2/3 of this (ie. having experience of more than 23 days), are placed in Units according to the general course and depending on the status of their term of office. In the above the first week of the classification is given Marching orders for their Units.
Those with work experience less than 23 days, incorporated and follow the ESSO which επανακατατάχθηκαν.
We repeat the HAGS and ALLOW that the dozens of these soldiers have completed their basic education.
We demand therefore by the general STAFF to respect the rights of the soldiers.
We invite you to follow and apply the Law.