The “good” of Obama in Greece

Credit to the Greek government for its commitments to implement major reforms…
paid Barack Obama, through the representative of the White House. The president of the united states appear satisfied by the recent Eurogroup decision, and shows that the crisis will not be solved overnight.
The American president believes that things are moving in the right direction after the “settlement” at the last Eurogroup for the Greek debt, despite the fact that still remains 5% of the προαπαιτουμένων be implemented to “close” and typically the first evaluation and to take Greece out of the first installment, style 7.5 billion. euro.
A few days ago, from Japan, Barack Obama stated that “as the Greek government continues to implement reforms successfully, and Europe continues to maintain its commitment to support the Greek government, things seem to be going in the right direction”.
White House spokesman Josh Ernest was asked to clarify what he meant by the American president when he said that the crisis has been solved for a “reasonable” time. And said that Barack Obama “meant that Greece and the other Euro area member states have made significant progress on the disposal of the assistance needed by the Greek government and the Greek people to cope with the serious budgetary and economic challenges”.
He added that “what we have seen from the Greek government is an honest commitment to implement some reforms-keys that will put Greece back on a trajectory of sustainable debt. It’s not a problem that will be solved in one night, and certainly there have been various points over the last six years it seemed that the relationship of Greece with the Euro area would take the wrong way”.
At the same time, revealed that Barack Obama has awarded the credit to the leaders of Europe have taken decisions that may not have been very popular internally, but it was critical in order to cope with an important challenge, which would have an impact on the global economy. It has become so significant progress and the president is certainly pleased with the trajectory it has taken the Greek theme, but you have to take important decisions and the united states will be there to support strongly our partners in Europe as they face these major challenges”.