The four axes of the visit of the French prime minister in Athens

An extremely important visit is taking place today in Athens, in the midst of the negotiation with the institutions…
The French prime minister Bernard Huh, the so-called as “a man of special missions” in the French political scene, is located in Athens, on a visit with four axes:
Future of Europe
With regard to the first axis, the closure of the assessment, Paris had taken care of yesterday to give their “vote of confidence” in the efforts of the Greek government: delivered, so that hopes for agreement at the technical level, before 20 March, but in the final exit of Greece to the markets in 2018.
As, moreover, reminded the sources of the Greek government, in communication with ana-MPA, “traditionally, France has stood on the side of the Greek positions. With a constructive role towards the extreme positions, a portion of the lenders”. In addition, crucial was the attitude of the President of the French Republic Francois Hollande on the achievement of the agreement in the summer of 2015.
For the investments in our country, it should be noted that it is fixed to the French interest, and to this end will see the countrymen of the entrepreneurs who live and work in our country.
On the future of Europe, the meetings of the French prime minister with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos and his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras made at a crucial juncture on the path of our continent. Just 24 hours before the Quadripartite Meeting of the large, traditional european countries (with the participation of France, Italy, Germany and Spain), on 6 March, in Paris. And, of course, a few days before the anniversary of completion of 60 years since the founding of the European Community, on 25 March.
For this anniversary, it is recalled that the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras asked, during joint statements with his counterpart from Malta, Joseph Muscat, “the Political Declaration of Rome to include the elements that have made Europe attractive, and that made the european project attractive to citizens of Europe, the democratisation and cohesion in the Euro area, the restart of the process of economic and social convergence that was reversed during the years of the crisis, social Europe, with a core of a legally binding european pillar of social rights”. In addition, France and in particular its Chairman, François Hollande, have a significant role and in the meeting of the leaders of the european South.
With regard to immigration, end, France is one of the comprehensive european countries in the framework of the policy of relocation and Athens has every reason to continue this very good cooperation. Yes, the French prime minister will participate in a meeting organized by the “French Agency for Immigration and Integration’ for asylum seekers who planned to relocate to France in March.
The detailed program of the Bernard Huh
Cazenave will have a meeting with Alexis Tsipras at 12:00 at the Maximos Mansion and will be followed by a working lunch, in which you παρακαθήσουν and the Greek and French ministers of Finance, Economy and European Affairs.
At 14.00 the two prime ministers will give a joint Press conference.
Then the French prime minister will be received by the President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos.
Before the bilateral meeting with mr Tsipras, mr Huh is invited for breakfast at the French embassy, French entrepreneurs established in Greece.
Then I participated in a meeting organized by the “French Agency for Immigration and Integration (OFII ), which refers to asylum seekers who planned to relocate to France in March. The meeting will be at the Hotel Νovotel (Michail Voda 4), at the end of which it is provided that the mr Huh will be available to discuss with reporters have been accredited.
In the afternoon you will visit the French School and the French Institute, and will devote some time to the French correspondents, and the journalists who accompany him on his journey. Already closed the roads didotou st. and Sina, with cranes to remove vehicles that are parked on concrete roads.
At 17:00 will be a reception at the French embassy and at 18:00 planned departure for the airport.
The minister of economy and Finance Michelle Σαπέν will have three bilateral meetings:
At 10:30 with the minister of finance Euclid Thanksgiving, at 11:10 with the minister of Economy and Development, Dimitris Papadimitriou, while at 15:00 he will meet the governor of the bank of Greece Yannis Stournaras to the Bank.
The goal of the visit to Greece two months before the elections and change of presidency, it is estimated that over a permanent will, a confirmation of the French-Greek friendship, expresses the will to maintain a of some networking before the end of the current term of office.