The fascism of the Greek political system

Mary Χωριανοπούλου
With surprise I found that yesterday, the president of the river Stavros Theodorakis, has decided to inform the Greeks about the meeting …
of political leaders after the referendum of last July, via facebook.
See the post:

It is possible to inform the Greek citizens on such serious matters via social networks to you? And those who don’t have an account? I don’t mind… Who cares about them?
How valid can be considered to be the word on such a serious subject in a loose media is?
The road had been opened Kyriakos Mitsotakis informed the MEDIA via a post on facebook that they will not vote for the Agent. Pavlopoulos for President of the Republic and not sent, as requested, a letter in the Greek Parliament.
It’s naive and ignorant to you? No, of course not. With this practice there is no evidence for their views and their actions, in fact, in a few months, I have lost the posting, maybe to make it delete the συενργάτες. What are the elements that will have the future historian for a political position? Zero.
As you understand I don’t seek fame because they can’t ensure. Here goes the “you eat, you drink….”, says the wise people.
Let us come, however, in the present suspension of Stavros Theodorakis.
What’s to say ανερυθρίαστα it? That all (Pavlopoulos, Tsipras, Kammenos, Meimarakis, Gennimata, Theodorakis, Κουτσούμπας) agreed to withdraw from the hall, the πρακτικογράφοι ! Why? Why don’t we know what they discussed, why they signed the text against the decision and the will of the Greek people?
For what democracy they speak of all these oligarchs who decide fascist for our future, for our lives? What else can be called fascism and dictatorship in spite of such practices?
On that morning of 6 July 2015, their actions and their decisions had no legitimacy. The constitutionalist Prokopis Pavlopoulos first he crumpled it up and stomped on the Constitution and democratic legitimacy, non-respecting the decision of the referendum.
Followed him all the way to the hegemonic oligarchy. Everyone without exception, even the so-called defender of popular interests Κουτσούμπας.
Why didn’t they informed the Greek people what they discussed that morning? We’ll find out by Stavros Theodorakis, via facebook it? But aren’t you ashamed?
That horrible, treacherous day, all together, they agreed to strangle a heroic not of the Greeks, as they tried previously to smother the fascists of Italy and the nazis of Germany. This time the shell came from the inside.
Stavros Theodorakis is trying to present to us the black-and-white and with γκαιμπελική regular.
Consider, however, since then, we have continued to be members of the euro area and the eu.E., how many people lost their job, how many people are still unemployed, how many have lost their homes, how many people put padlocks on their shops, how many have sold out to foreign funds their businesses, how many new educated kids gone, whisked overseas, how many suicides, how many taxes we have paid with no return, how many illegal immigrants they put us, how much blow has been that the summer tourism, many Greeks are living below the poverty line, how many Greek households are indebted, how much reduced wages and pensions, in what state of decomposition they are found in the Greek hospitals, how much they have reduced the births, how many are homeless, how many rights have been trampled on, how many English fillets were sold to foreigners, how many strategic airports (14) were delivered as a so-called investment?
When you answer all of these oligarchs, politicians in these really hard questions, then you have been given and the answer if this heroic NO, it had to be competitive, YES.
