The dry fruit that eliminates belly fat

A new study by the American society of Cardiology highlights the snack that is ideal for those who want to lose fat from the belly…
The fat in the abdomen is more dangerous than fat in other parts of the body, as it is located close to several vital organs.
With the option of dry fruit towards foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates contribute significantly to reducing the risk of heart disease, through the reduction of abdominal fat.
The so-called abdominal obesity is a key risk factor for the metabolic syndrome, which in turn contributes to early coronary artery disease.
More specifically and according to a new study, just 42 grams of almonds daily for six weeks –snacks that you will need to choose instead for an individual brioche or an individual cake with the exact same quantity of calories– is enough to improve the levels of cholesterol and harmful lipids in the blood, reports the related article in Forbes.
In addition to the indicators of cholesterol and lipid, declined also and the abdominal fat thanks to the dry fruit, point out the researchers from the University of the State of Pennsylvania.
The almonds provide a few carbohydrates and large amounts of protein and dietary fiber, thus emerges as the ideal snack during the day.
A serving of almonds (30 grams) contains about 20-24 whole almonds. This section provides about 163 calories, 14 grams fat, 3,5 grams of fiber and 6 grams of carbohydrates.