The DEFENCE minister Panos Kammenos at the opening project of the “ΔΙΔΕΡΓΩΝ” in Ikaria island [photos]

The Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos accompanied by the Chief of STAFF…
Lieutenant general Kingdom Τελλίδη, launched the first project of the “ΔΙΔΕΡΓΩΝ” (formerly MOMA) in Ikaria, for the construction and improvement of road connecting the Karkinagri with the Μαγγανίτηστο southern part of the island.
The Minister of National Defence, among other things, said the following:
“With consistency and with the participation of all, we are launching the work of the Panel of the 747 Engineering Battalion, the restoration and improvement of the road network of the island, which for years had suffered damage from natural disasters.
Today we are launching the project which unites the Karkinagri with the Manganitis and Agios Kirikos. Seeing the results of a long-prolonged effort and persistent work that I want to remind you that with consistency we implement what we committed ourselves in public to our presence. This project is the first project that is made without means that is the last.
The role of the Armed Forces is, of course, the preservation of national independence, defending the territorial integrity of our country, which is implemented strictly.
On the day of the Holy day of Easter, together with Prime minister Alexis Tsipras, during our visit to the Frigate of our Navy “ΑΔΡΙΑΣ”, we have stated that every inch of Greek land, sea and air is non-negotiable. And it was important that the message passed and the prime Minister himself to support the Armed Forces of the country.
Greece respects and honors the international law, but should be aware of friends and enemies that the Armed Forces of the country hold the flags up and be ready to answer any επιβουλέα thinking to challenge our sovereign rights.
But, beyond the institutional role, the Armed Forces offer a diverse social work. The high level of social contribution, it strengthens their ties with the society, increases the feeling of safety and forging social cohesion.
Of course, it’s a national mission to strengthen the quality of life of residents of a border island, because the eve of the islanders here under difficult conditions is a national project.
I want to stress that the Armed Forces in Ikaria will be strengthened with a new design that studies the army Chief of STAFF with the BEFORE, the Governor of Samos, and all the Officers who staff working in order for Ikaria to strengthen with new force, aid, and deployment of the national guard, not only in the southern part of the island, but also in the north, because the Island is, as we have seen, one of the objectives of across the street. Our response will be the strengthening of the island, the economic development, the development of tourism, and, of course, the emergence of an island that has managed, despite the difficult conditions, is a model of longevity around the world. It is a part of the so-called “blue zones” of longevity.